Welcome to The Museum of Elysia
Elysia came to me in a dream. As most things nowadays do.
I was around 9 years old, on a tour inside an exquisite ancient building—a museum. It was a museum in the original sense of the word: house of the muses.
I was on a field trip with other students—classmates from school—led by our teacher and the museum’s tour guide.
Though I was keeping track of the group, I strayed to explore some galleries alone. While running around, I encountered a wing of the museum that felt special.
The ceilings reached up into the heavens and everything was made of marble. In the centre of the room stood only one sculpture—an incredibly detailed life-like female form made from white marble. I was struck motionless, looking up and reaching out to her in deep awe and reverence.
The woman wore a long gown, also made of marble. The gown, however, consisted of moving geometrical patterns, like mandalas or cymatics (vibrational patterns). Though she was a solid sculpture, she pulsed with life. Later, upon waking, I realised this woman was the goddess Venus.
I seemed to receive the tour guide’s explanations directly from her, like an inner voice or revelation in the mind’s eye.
She had come from Elysia—a society far more advanced than ours—a place far away, out there: another planet, from across the galaxy, a future society, a hidden civilisation from the past. Elysia was all these things at once—it was eternal, beyond space and time, yet making itself known in space and time.
We were there to learn about their culture, which was far more innovative and evolved than ours in every imaginable way. This wing of the museum focused on advanced fashion—the woman’s gown made out of moving geometrical patterns.
"The only war of meaning
Is the battle for beauty
The battle for being
A crusade for the ideal
Daily labour of the lineage
Forage to nourish the sublime
The upward fight
Towards an unfolded life
A perfect song
The symphony of life."
"I write for the soul.
I write for what is deathless inside us.
What is immortal and eternal.
For the sacred spark of divinity within each of us.
I write out of a pain for home.
For this mythic place I call Elysia."
I hope you enjoy your stay.
You are welcome to subscribe and share your musings ;)
Lia Varbanova